
Sunday, October 31, 2010

murni discovery

the plate is bigger in real life :)

got this dress from obb preloved sale :)

me and my friends was having dinner at murni discovery today. it is actually a branch from murni restaurant. the different is the environment in this new branch is much better and more cozy. it's like a kopitiam i guess. the food was quite nice. i ate carbonara pasta maryland chicken. it was quite okay for me but i think i love carbonara from uitm anggerik deli more.hehe. (eventhough it is wayy cheaper) but the best part of their meals is the portion of the food. they serve meals with oh-so-huge plate. awesome!! me myself was struggling to finish my meal earlier. and i absolutely walk away with over loaded stomach.

the price is quite affordable . my meal only cost rm15+pink panther (drinks) rm5=rm20 only.

try out guys, and make sure to wear loose pants. :)


sweet dreams :)

Saturday, October 30, 2010

obb preloved sale. oh awesome!

i went to obb yesterday. and it was awesome guys. there's a lot of fashionista there. and ive a chance to meet the owner herself jezmine zaidan. she is super cute and nice.
they are selling clothes and accessories for just rm3-rm30. it was soo worth it, since all of this dresses, shirt are still in a good condition and not to mention some of them are branded items.

meet other fashionista like shea rasol and yanny also. both of them look super nice and very stylish. too bad the picture of 3 of us coming out blur so i didnt post it here. ;(

got my self 4 dresses and a necklace. for only rm70. cool huh? dont be jealous. im sure they will organize this kind of event again next time. till then. enjoy the pictures.

with the super adorable jezmine

Sunday, October 24, 2010

ohh stefan! you "stake" my heart!

have you guys watch the vampire diaries?oh wait of course yes right.
i just watched that series this week and it was awesome!
and i must say vampires in this drama is wayyyy hotter than twilight.
and the actors are putting more heart to their acting too.
what do you think?
just finished watching episode 6 for season 2 and it was heartbreaking to see stefan cries in the latest episode.paul wesley is such a great actor! :((
im officially obsess with this stefan guy. idk why. i know damon is hotter and sexier and everything but stefan just catch my attention. hehe
there is something about his eyes, voice, personality.
maybe im not into bad boys anymore. :)

im just so obsess with this guy. PAUL WESLEY.
i think his character in the vampire diaries suit my dream guy.
i love everything about him. i mean absolutely everything.
i think im getting crazy now.
i cant even stop talking about him.
never thought i can be this fanatic about someone other than my bf ;)

p/s: i still love you syg. dont worry ;p

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

oh i wishh i was good enough!

i have an interview with intel today, or should i say interview-s. it was a disaster. i thought my soft skills was good enough. i guess i was wrong. i came unprepared and put high expectation for this interviews. and i end up disappointed. i was having three different interview for three different department. the first one was quite okay! he asked me simple basic question but i didnt know. he just asked me the k-map for ex-OR.and i couldnt even answer because i totally forget about it. what is wrong with me.

the second one was worse. no, triple worse. gosh i feel like crying. again the lady was asking the basic concept of a diode and i couldnt answer at all. i feel like an idiot. maybe i was too focus about the complicated circuits and problems i just ignore the basic fundamental which is sooo important. the third one was going quite well, but still i didnt answer that question correctly. but i got some minor good review though. he say i was very motivated and full with enthusiasm. eventhough i know that wasnt good enough for me to actually "RESERVE" the job but at the end of the day, i felt kinda good. it was nice experiences and yes i wanna do it again and this time as improved, well prepared candidate. i hope i will nail it next time. InsyaAllahh..

Sunday, October 17, 2010

keep pretending

Have you ever felt so tired pretending that you are one strong girl?

Have you ever felt that you don’t have to take bad critics seriously just because you are an adult now?

Have you ever getting tired of pretending to like someone that constantly being rude to others including you?

Have you ever try to just suck up all of your anger toward someone just because being rude is the way he/she rolls?

Have you ever got bad critics about your appearance and the best thing that you can do is smile and tries to forget?

Have you ever get critics about the way you dress constantly even though you didn’t quite care about other people outfit, good or bad?

have you ever have a so-called friend who keep bragging and bragging that he/she has better life than yours?

Have you ever felt like you wanna yell at he/she and tell them to just shut the f*** up?

Have you ever felt so lonely even though you’re in a loud crowded place?

Have you ever felt so tired bout your freakin miserable life you just wanna sleep for a decade?

if you do, pleaseee let me know and tell me how you deal with them.

i think my inner bitchy side finally coming out. im starting to annoy other people. but i just cant help it. they constantly getting on my nerves. do i need to keep on pretending that im okay or just let the bitchy side of me do the deeds?

p/s: despite of all this, i always tell myself that people hate me for a reason, and for that i always need to work on my attitude. why cant they just do the same. because its getting hard to play "nice" whey they keep pushing you to become a bitch *sigh*

Saturday, October 16, 2010

dedicated to my beautiful twin cousin

Rabbiatul Najua Rosman . Nurayuni Tahir . Rabbiatul Natrah Rosman

i didn't have any sister so you guys are the perfect sisters i always want.
they are on the top of my best friend's list. now and then.
in fact the best-est friend i ever had.
they never judge me and NEVER say anything that would hurt me.
always be there for me. IN ANY CONDITIONS.
their opinion matters to me.
in fact only their opinion matters when it comes to fashion.
NEVER FAIL to give me good advices.
I'm just happy to be around them.
if I'm feeling lonely sometime i know I'm not alone because i have them in my life.
because we are family.

thank you for everything.
my life is so much better with you guys in it.
miss you guys.

ayu sayang korang :)

Love The Way You Lie - MASHUP (free mp3!)

this guy is super awesome!nice mash up!

Friday, October 15, 2010

full house full stomach

this is the first time i actually eat here. the environment is super nice guys! and the service is superb. since it is our first time having lunch here, some of my friends just not quite confident whether the food is halal or not since it doesnt have halal logo there. so they keep asking questions just to make sure and the employees there was very nice and answer all of her questions patiently. and yes guys they serve halal food. it is nice to know that. thanks to aisyah.

and yes im not very familiar with the menus since i didnt go to this kind of restaurant that i decided to just order their lunch set which is chicken chop+potato soup+ice lemon tea+slice of white choc cake for only rm18.90. awesome right? hehe
then we went for ice skating. this is the third time i went there but i didnt get any better :( maybe i was not born to be a skater.(engineer instead??) hehe. but my friend was kinda good. but it was fun though, everytime! then i went to A&W alone since my stomach starting to sing bad tunes.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

can i have a pain killer for my heart?

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

can i have this scooter sir?

there is an innovation competition(if im not mistaken) today in my university. all of the faculty from UiTM branches all over the country are coming to shah alam and show us their new invention and compete in this competition. there are a lot of new stuff i must say. for example, from my faculty (electrical engineering) there is a image sensor dustbin. if you just wave your hand or feet or anything the cover of the dustbin will open itself. cool huh? there is also a distance sensor lcd screen where it can control the brightness and contrast of your tv according to your distance from the tv.

the one that really catch my attention is the solar cells scooter. this scooter is practically like a mini motorcycle but instead of using fuel it use solar cells battery as it power generator. my lecturer, En Faizul was kind enough to let us "drive" the scooter in our hall. hehe. since i didnt even know how to ride a motorcycle it is kinda hard for me to balance myself from falling down. hehe. but it was cool. and im planning to get one if it has been commercialized later. was fun, then we headed to anggerik deli for lunch since ive been craving for carbonara pasta for over a week. :)

Monday, October 11, 2010


MAAF: majlis anugerah akademik fakulti
photo credit to Mr. A.Sharkri Tbs and Mr.Kamal Ariffin :))

Friday, October 8, 2010


finally i have a chance to go out from UiTM. me and my friends went to pkns to shoot our last scene for our mandarin class's project. and yes we have to act in front of so many people who walk past was quite embarrassing act.hehe but honestly i am soo relieve that this shooting thingy's finally over. it was fun but super tiring. i have to admit that im soo bad in acting and memorizing the script. so i think engineering is the right course for me.hehe

have a day off tomorrow from all the assignments and projects. i wanna go for a movie act, but i dont have any friend to go with. wanna watch magika so bad. i saw magika's trailer on you tube and it seems interesting.

so, im going to sleep early todayy.. i havent got enough sleep this couple of weeks. super exhausted. but hey,cheer up, the worst is yet to come. haha.


i miss you love. so bad.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

i love you. i really do.
just have faith.
we will be happy.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

everybody wants to go to heaven. but nobody wants to die-anonymos

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

ni hao. wo shi ayu.


okay. a brief update. i have drama shoot this morning. for mandarin actually. it covers 30% of our marks so yes we have to do our best. when i first signed for mandarin class as my third language i never thought that it can be very difficult .most of my seniors convince us that mandarin is one of the language that easy to score. but learning that language itself, i find it quite difficult. this semester we have to learn how to write in chinese. sangat susah ok.. there are steps we have to follow and every single line in a word actually has their own name. *sigh*
but still it was kinda fun learning it. and i salute those malay people who can speak mandarin fluently. one of my classmate can speak mandarin fluently. tak hensem pon jadi hensem trus. ;)

kenapa when malay people speak english fluently in front of everyone some people akn ckap berlagak, poyos and all? but if people can speak other language like mandarin, tamil, japanese and etc, their jaws will drop and say wow! i dont think its fair.
what do you think? ;)

Monday, October 4, 2010

japanese style isn't really mine.

rindu budak kecik ni-nur khadijah adura

ok busy. but still sempat write a new post kan and fb 24-7 ON. aiya.. stress with all the assignments and presentation. such a busy week i must say. i dont have any class tomorrow but still already have work to do.

oh yes now i really am a full time student! dont even have time to go out. have this mini reunion plan with my matrix buddies that has been postponed for months. wtf. i need to go out! i even buy online clothes frequently, since i dont have time to go out. the only mall that i get to go to is student mall in front of my college. pretty lame huh? i know.

hate this semester, but still next semester going to be worse i guess.. need to put my super extra effort to finish my fyp. and yes will have to stay at the fabrication lab all the time. bye-bye afternoon nap.. and hello solar cells lab. fyi , my supervisor was graduated from nagoya institute from japan and been staying there like forever. he even speaks japanese fluently. can you imagine the way that he works? 100% japanese style which is quite difficult for me to cope with.

one fact about my sv dr. rusop-he always check his fabrication lab at 5 pm almost everyday to make sure that his students are still in the lab and nobody go back earlier than 5.

scary huh? what do you think?