Thursday, May 23, 2013
hey ho!
Life's full with ups and downs. I'm trying to enjoy every minute of it. even in difficult time I guess. It just quite difficult to stay positive sometime. I think I need to learn to be grateful. I'm grateful now but honestly I dont think I'm grateful enough. :(
so, whats new? hmm let see. I'm going to Costa Rica soon for almost a year. Quite excited but there is a slight fear i feel inside. this is the first time I'll be this far away from family. and my fiance of course. we have been in LDR for quite sometime now but the distance.. well not this long. hehe. but insyaAllah if its meant to be it will meant to be right.
I really need this trip actually. I need to learn to appreciate everything I have in life. I believe this trip will teach me more about life. how to survive without your loved one by your side.. and maybe improve my cooking skills as well :P I hope I come back a better person. inside out.. physically and spiritually.I really need to improve my working skills and this is just what I need. and I couldn't be more grateful. :)
just random pictures from my picture folder :)
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
twisted mind of mine
i wish to have this soon. the last thing to cross off my student's life wishlist. pray for me? :)
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Affordable branded and original shirt
searching for cool t-shirts with affordable price?
do visit FOFS for branded original shirts!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011
oh working life
Assalamualaikum and Hi there.
As if anyone there reading my blog.
So how's life been treating? mine? Pretty good. It just a lil bit boring since i dint have anything much to do during my first week of working life.
Yes you've heard it right( or saw it right? whatever) I’m a working lady now. Pretty lame huh? semakin tua. hehe.
Its been a week already and i must say everything has been falling accordingly. I love the environment because everything seems...... EQUAL. It just im quite blur about everything. I find every single acronym that they speak is like a language from another different planet. mereka cakap " biasalah baru lagi". i hate being "baru". Because being new means you have to go through those awkward phases of asking question, nodded and smile for something that you are absolutely clueless about.
but i'm grateful though. Everyone is so welcoming makes my heart keep smiling even i dont understand a thing. i hope everything will be fine. i just have to step away from my comfort zone. Start mingle with people. Start asking questions and start putting extra effort in everything.
i have to work hard, for my parent's sake. insyaAllah. tetapkan niat yang baik, insyaAllah perkara baik akan menyusul. Semoga Allah jauhkan diriku dari perasaan hasad dengki. aminnn..
sorry for the long ranting tonight.
thats all for now.
no more outfit post/pictures from me until further notice. ;p
ave a good night everyone! :))
Monday, May 23, 2011
sesiapa yang tinggal area ipoh yang mahu meng-order frozen karipap/cucur badak untuk kenduri atau apa sahaja, bolehlah menghubungi mak saya, kamariah- 0175575094.
sekian terima kasih. hehehe :))
25 pieces-rm650 pieces-rm12
kesedapan terjamin.
taste it to believe it :))