
Wednesday, February 25, 2009

my darling nas~

lautan manusia

nassy and me

diz week is sgt heaven for me.. i maen, no test, no assignments and no more stress.. yeahh~*wink*i hav only 2 classes today ok.. petang tade.. and balik je kelas td trus asyik dibuai mimpi.. haha.. then got msg from nas.. i promised her nak tman die jage booth(yeah rytee.. boothla sangat kan nas? )so, bangun, smayang and take my bath..

nassy2, i know this gurl for about 2 years now.. goshh, didnt realized it at all!! she 's younger than me(1 year only) but still she call me kak ayu.. haha.. die sangat kelam kabut.. evrybody says dat (sorry nas, still love you)haha.. so we went for this event for GAZA i think.. tapi under nassy's faculty.. so we juz chillin.(mostly laughing). it wuz damn fun!!

slalu sangat xcited if im with her.. i mean i will have never ending laugh when im with her. so lucky to hav her as my fren!! i mean my sister.. yes we r sisters~ FOREVER!

p/s: nassy, im singing wut goes around comes back around so loudly!! can u hear me? haha..

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

penat lelahku~

haha.. setelah segale penat lelah.. adakah saya seorang yang pemalas..? yeahh~~ agak pemals kot..tapi bile rajin tu dah dtg mmg semngat wat keje. haha.. tetibe rase selesa gle ngan bilikku.. setelah bersusah payah mengemas, menyusun dah menyapu.. hik2..
tahniah ayunie~*wink*

Monday, February 23, 2009

nena ohh nenaaa..

nena blanje makan last sunday sempena her 21st besday.. so she took us(me and soleh) to kenny rogers(thnks to nad coz bg pinjam kete*wink* ).
so, kami pusing2 dulu sementare tunggu mat jul sampai.. then MAKANNNN.. sngt kenyang sampai tak larat nak makan muffin and take home trus(aku je yang amik.. hahaha)..
owhh.. and we ended up in karoeke box.. but its my treat this time.. mt jul sang A song.. black magic woman by santana.. haha.. sangat kelakar.. me and nena sang sampai token abes.. haha.. suareku trus serak ye selepas itu.. but it wuz fun tho~

so, here's the pic:


p/s: sket je gambar.. =)

Saturday, February 21, 2009

-i dont even know what happiness means anymore-


i hav a fight with a gal tau smalam in tagged.. what a stupid fight.. bodo tol aku ni pegi layan minah tu.. tapi kan it makes me realize mcm2 org rupenye ade kat dunie ni.. so, instead of calling her names like she did to me.. i kinda reply politely..

i say: wuteva you say la.. asalkan you bahagia~haha

mmg saya sangatla mara dengan pe yang die dah buat.. tapi ble pikir2 balik.. watpela nak layan.. tula.. lenkali dgr ckap mydent.. haha.. tapi yeah it does teach me sumting!! and if saya trus layan die punye msg.. marah2.. then ape bezanya saya dengan die kan? so, biarlah.. things happen for a reason.. tp serius nak ckap gak dat gurl is damn weird.. haiyaaa.. tatau cane leh jd camtu.. opppsss.. terkutuk.. ahaha

agaknye ade beza la org yang berpelajaran or tidak.. ntahla.. tapi maybe jugak faktor kawan2 wat kite jd camtu.. im so grateful my parent teach me how to be a proper person.. so,, i wont turns out to be like her. and i hav such high standard frens.. ahaha.. so kami tidak terdorong untuk berkelakuan sedemikian.. sekolah asrama juga banyak membantu.. so kepada parent2 antarla anak ke sekolah asrama..

mayb die pikir die menang coz say tak melawan.. but for the winner kerana telah membuat keputusan yang sagat matured. cayalah ayunie..tetibe bangga dengan diri sendiri.. applaused~~~~

Friday, February 20, 2009

pompuan bodo!!

pompuan bodo.. kalau aku jumpe ko siapla bodo.. g mampusla.. nkau siapa nak cakap aku perasan segale.. at least aku tadela letak kat about me:saya cantik.. pastu letak caption sweet girl la, saya cumel la kat your OWN pic!! ewww. so pathetic~ i hope youll be burn in the deepest hell eva.. dahla ltak gambar tak pakai baju ke pe tah!!mmg sah2 bitch pon!! pegi mampos~

Thursday, February 19, 2009

im sorry~~

hey you..
i didnt mean for this to happen..
meeting you was a bless!!
but inside made me realize who is the better person for me..
sorry if im embarrased you by not giving you my no..
sorry for saying yes to have a drink with you..
i didnt mean to give you some hope or anything..
i hope i didnt give any sign that make you misunderstood..
but i guess it ends here..
you are such a good guy but
you are wrong for me~

p/s: fariz, i feel guilty for what i did.. i hope i didnt hurt you or him.. i love you~~

Sunday, February 15, 2009


saya sangat benci minggu ini.. so damn bz with assignment and test of course!! damn!( but still got time nak tulis blog kan).. rase sangat penat harini k.. i got 2 quizes tomorrow.. i hav assignment to submit on tuesday which i havent done any even tulis no soalan pon.. i hav test on tuesday nite!! test again on thursday anddddddd agaaainnnn on friday!! gosh.. i am dead mentally!! haha

for some reason sangat rindu mak ngn abah.. sampai smalam bg msg kat mak abah..bunyinye lebih kurang camnila.. haha

ayu rindu mak dengan abah
jaga kesihatan.. doa ayu dekat sini.

mak call tak lame pas tu.. ehe.. tanya kenapa.. i juz say nothing.. but today, i call them again.. and i cry.. abah yang angkat.. mak tgh solat... segan nak nanges depan abah tapi tade nags jugak sambil menyatakan betape pressurenye saye dgn test dan assignment yang menimbun!! sempat juga bersembang dgn hidayat dan budak tu wat lawak bodo plak.. aduii..

im exausted!!sangat2.. dahla period ni.. emosikuuu terganggu.. aduiiiii.. i need someone to talk to.. rindu nenaa.. kalau nena ade sure aku dah tergelak dah die wat lawak!! miss old days so muchhhhhh

Friday, February 13, 2009

my past

dulu penah tanye nadea camne die lupakan semua yang jd kat dia.. and stop comparing herself with the otha gurl? nadea ckapp:

nadea: wat bodo je and mende tu akan go away..

i guess its true.. my cousin cakap kenapa nak pikir mende yang lepas, and mende dah jd.. loooooooooonnnngggg time ago.. so napa nak seksa diri.. and.. that gurl doesnt even think bout me, my feelin..i mean IF la im betta than her pon.. i dont think she care!! then why shud i care if shes betta or not.. shes livin her life.. and i shud do the same long time ago.. but i guess its not to late..

hey you..
sorry if u think im weird by trying to b fren with u..
sorry for always check upon ur page..
sorry for being too cocky by saying im wayyy betta than you..
sorry for evrything..
this end here.. coz im livin my life..

i will start livin my life by lovin myself.. i luv what im feelin ryte now.. terasa sangat legaaaaaa.. thanks for the xperience but yeah..



dah semakin bosan ngan blog2 ni.. for some reason i dunno what to write nymor.. nothin intresting happen lately.. but yeah, sangat hepiiii skang.. hidup makin tenang and cam sangat selesa~

selesa ngan diri sendiri..
selesa ngan bilik..
selesa ngan pelajaran..
selesa ngan duit..wakaka.
selesa ngan kawan2.. thanks guys..
kesimpulannya selesa la..

act dah lama sangat tak rase camni.. rase cam ALIVE.. bersykur kat Allah atas semuanyaaaa..

sangat rindu keluargaku.. but i wont be back until next month.. hav lotsss of test next week and compulsory activitiesthe otha weekk.. and then, test again.. uwaaaa.. serabut~~ tapi takpe still got tymee..